UK-London: Facilities management services.

UK-London: Facilities management services.

Section I: Contracting Authority

I.1) Name, Addresses and Contact Point(s):
London Design and Engineering University Technical College
15 University Way, Royal Docks, London, E16 2RD, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 1276673880, Email:
Main Address:

I.2) Joint procurement:
The contract involves joint procurement: No
In the case of joint procurement involving different countries, state applicable national procurement law: Not Provided
The contract is awarded by a central purchasing body: No

I.4)Type of the contracting authority:
Body governed by public law

I.5) Main activity:

Section II: Object Of The Contract

II.1) Scope of the procurement

II.1.1) Title: London Design and Engineering University Technical College ~ Hard FM Tender
Reference number: Not Provided

II.1.2) Main CPV code:
79993100 - Facilities management services.

II.1.3) Type of contract: SERVICES

II.1.4) Short description: The successful Supplier will be required to provide Hard FM services for London Design and Engineering University Technical College.

II.1.6) Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: No

II.2) Description

II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s):
Not Provided

II.2.3) Place of performance
Nuts code:

Main site or place of performance:

II.2.4) Description of the procurement: The successful Supplier will be required to provide Hard FM services for London Design and Engineering University Technical College. Contract value: £250,000 approximately, over a 3+2 contract. We have recently been appointed by the London Design and Engineering University Teaching College (LDE UTC) to provide consultancy support in the management and co-ordination of a hard FM services tender across their building at 15 University Way, London E16 2RD. We are approaching a select number of organisations who we believe will have the credentials and capabilities to meet the requirements of the Client brief and are asking them to complete a request for information to enable us to present a synopsis to the Client. The Client organisation has a need for extensive and skilled expertise in successfully delivering hard FM maintenance across educational facilities. There may also be an opportunity for additional extra to contract upgrade and installation project works. The Hard FM services required across the facilities comprise of planned and reactive maintenance. The Client is looking for the following delivery arrangements across the facilities: •Delivery of planned, preventative, reactive and project works •Suitably qualified engineers to support the service delivery. •Supporting, suitably qualified engineer to cover holidays and sickness. •Support team and facility on a 24 / 7 basis. •Call out attendance. •Capability and capacity to deliver extra to contract project works, in addition to works included above. The supplier must be able to demonstrate. • A high degree of skills, competence, and certification in these areas. •A high percentage of services self-delivered by directly employed engineers. •Experience of delivering a range of services in educational facilities •Conformance with the client's health and safety, equality and anti-bribery policies •Cultural fit •Flexibility •Southeast London resource and capability Please see the SQ Document for more information.

II.2.5) Award criteria:
Not Provided

II.2.11) Information about options
Options: No

II.2.13) Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No

II.2.14) Additional information: Not Provided

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1) Description

IV.1.1)Type of procedure: Restricted Accelerated
Justification for the choice of accelerated procedure: Contract start date: 05.09.2023

IV.1.3) Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement: No
A dynamic purchasing system was set up: No

IV.1.6) Information about electronic auction
An electronic auction has been used: No

IV.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: Yes

IV.2) Administrative information

IV.2.1) Previous publication concerning this procedure
Notice number in the OJEU: 2023/S 000-012939

IV.2.9) Information about termination of call for competition in the form of a prior information notice
The contracting authority will not award any further contracts based on the above prior information notice: No

Section V: Award of contract

Award Of Contract (No.1)

Contract No: Not Provided
Lot Number: Not Provided
Title: Not Provided

A contract/lot is awarded: No

V.1) Information on non-award
The contract/lot is not awarded
No tenders or requests to participate were received or all were rejected

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.3) Additional information: The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement. It will be the supplier's responsibility to obtain any necessary documents in order to submit a response by the closing date and time.
To view this notice, please click here:

VI.4) Procedures for review

VI.4.1) Review body
London Design and Engineering University Technical College
London, United Kingdom

VI.4.3) Review procedure
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures: Not Provided

VI.4.4) Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained
Not Provided

VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice: 04/07/2023